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Compensation Plan

Compensation Plan The well-balanced, righteous compensation plan shows the founder's desire for the success of all Atomy members.


  • Atomy members are classified into 5 different types of dealership, according to the total purchased volume
    and commission level received from the company

Class Sequence and Conditions

Accumulate 10,000 ~ 299,999 PV
Accumulate a minimum of 300,000 PV or a Sales Rep with smaller leg of at least 600,000 PV accumulated in the previous month
Accumulate a minimum of 700,000 PV or an Agent with smaller leg of at least 1.4 Million PV accumulated in the previous month
Accumulate a minimum of 1,500,000 PV or a Special Agent with smaller leg of at least 3 Million PV accumulated in the previous month<
Accumulate a minimum of 2,400,000 PV or a Dealer with smaller leg of at least 4.8 Million PV accumulated in the previous month

General Commission: 44% of entire sales PV will be distributed between qualified members every week according to the rates. Individuals must first accumulate at least 10,000 PV in order to accumulate downline PVs.

Grade 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Dealership Sales Rep Agent Special Agent Dealer E.D E.D E.D E.D
Daily Performance (smaller group) ACC ≥ 300,000 PV ACC ≥ 300,000 PV ≥ 700,000 PV ≥ 1,500,000 PV ≥ 2,400,000 PV ≥ 6,000,000 PV ≥ 20,000,000 PV ≥ 50,000,000 PV
Score 5 15 30 60 90 150 250 300

Masters' Bonus: 20% of entire sales PV will be distributed according to mastership.

Mastership Prerequisite Rate of Masters' Bonus
Sales Master Special Agent with a minimum of 2.5 million Group PV under each leg.
If the total PV of the smaller leg exceeds 300,000 PV, personal PV acquired during the point accumulation period can be added to the smaller leg to achieve Mastership.
10% of total PV distributed equally to Sales Masters
Diamond Master Dealer with minimum 2 Sales Masters under each leg 5% of total PV distributed equally to Diamond Masters and higher Masterships
Sharon-Rose Master E.D. with minimum 2 Diamond Masters under each leg 2% of total PV distributed equally to Sharon-Rose Masters and higher Masterships
Star Master E.D. with minimum 2 Sharon-Rose Masters under each leg 1.2% of total PV distributed equally to Star Masters and higher Masterships
Royal Master E.D. with minimum 2 Star Masters under each leg 1% of total PV distributed equally to Royal Masters and higher Masterships
Crown Master E.D. with minimum 2 Royal Masters under each leg 0.5% of total PV distributed equally to Crown Masters and higher Masterships
Imperial Master E.D. with minimum 2 Crown Masters under each leg 0.3% of total PV distributed equally to Imperial Masters

Masters’ Bonus will be paid every 15th, and on the 7th day after the monthly closure.

Point accumulation period: 1st - 15th, 16th - end of month.

Terms of Promotion

Mastership Pre-requisite Conditions
Sales Master,
Diamond Master,
Sharon-Rose Master
No restrictions on promotion. 1. No conditions for continuous position maintenance.
2. Unlimited Timeline (only with valid membership statue)
3. Promotion of two levels in one entry is not permitted beyond Diamond Master level.
Star Master,
Royal Master,
Crown Master,
Imperial Master
Must achieve previous Mastership 3 times before being promoted onto the next Mastership level

Mastership Promotion & Incentives

Mastership Incentives
Sales Master HemoHIM (1 Set), Skin Care System THE FAME (1 set), Atomy Evening Care (1 set)
Diamond Master Laptop, HemoHIM (1 Set), Skin Care System THE FAME (1 set), Atomy Evening Care (1 set)
Sharon-Rose Master *₱80,000 Cash, 2 Travel Tickets
Star Master *₱400,000 Cash, 4 Travel Tickets
Royal Master *₱2 million Cash, *₱80,000 per month for sponsorship activities, Car rental fee, 4 Travel tickets (10 nights & 11 days)
Crown Master *₱12 million Cash, *₱200,000 per month for sponsorship activities, a Luxury car, 4 Travel tickets (10 nights & 11 days)
Imperial Master *₱40 million Cash, *₱400,000 per month for sponsorship activities, a Luxury car, an Office of Approx. 1700 sq. ft with a Personal Assistant, a Driver, 4 Travel tickets (10 nights & 11 days)
1. Products are based on purchase price
2. Sharon-Rose/Star Master Travel Tickets: *₱32,000 eq/person
3. Royal/Crown/Imperial Master Travel Tickets: *₱160,000 eq/person
4. Car rental fee *₱40,000 eq/month
5. Crown Master Luxury Car: *₱2,560,000
6. Imperial Master Luxury Car: *₱3,120,000
7. Studio apartment rental: *₱100,000 eq/month
8. Assistant salary: *₱60,000/month, Driver Salary: *₱80,000/month
9. Laptop: *₱40,000
* Peso amounts are estimates and may be subject to change based on currency exchange rate.

Education Commission (Center Commission)

회원등급, 후원수당, 멀티매칭보너스, 직급수당, 교육수당 지급기준

  • 회원의 총 지급수당은 달성포인트(PV)의 70%를 정산하여 지급한다.
  • (총 매출의 35%를 넘어갈 경우 전산에서 자동 감한다)

회원등급 취득조건

회 원
누적 1만PV ~ 30만PV 미만
누적 30만PV 이상 또는 회원으로서 전월 하위그룹 소실적 60만PV 이상
누적 70만PV 이상 또는 에이전트로서 전월 하위그룹 소실적 140만PV 이상
누적 150만PV 이상 또는 특약점으로서 전월 하위그룹 소실적 300만PV 이상
누적 240만PV 이상 또는 대리점으로서 전월 하위그룹 소실적 480만PV 이상

후원수당 : 회사 총 매출 PV의 44%를 직급별 점수에 따라 후원 수당 지급

관리자 직급 8급 7급 6급 5급 4급 3급 2급 1급
본인 등급기준 회원 에이전트 특약점 대리점 총판 총판 총판 총판
일일 소실적 누적 30만 PV이상 누적 30만 PV이상 70만 PV이상 150만 PV이상 240만 PV이상 600만 PV이상 2000만 PV이상 5000만 PV이상
점 수 5점 15점 30점 60점 90점 150점 250점 300점

후원수당은 매주 수요일부터 다음 주 화요일까지 일일 마감 정산 후 일주간을 합산 하여 그 다음 화요일 지급


본인등급 지급범위 직급별 기준 지급 기준 지급 내용
에이전트 하위 3대 1. 회원 10단계
2. 판매사 10단계
3. 다이아몬드마스터 하위 5단계
4. 샤론로즈마스터 이상없음
1. 본인실적 무기한 누적
2. 소실적 30만 PV 이상
3. 압축ROLL-UP 없음
4. 전월 말, 당월 중 유지직급
1. 하위 후원수당2%
2. 500,000원/1주 이내지급
3. 주급(후원수당과 동일일자)
특 약 점 하위 5대
대 리 점 하위 7대
총      판 하위 10대

직급수당 : 회사 총 매출 PV 20%를 직급에 따라 차등지급

직급 자격 취득 유지요건 직급수당
판매사 1-15일/16-말일 2라인 각각의 산하 판매실적이 250만PV 이상인 특약점 회사전체 매출PV의 10%를 판매사들만 균등분배
다이아몬드마스터 세일즈마스터 이상을 2라인 각각 2명 이상씩 육성한 대리점 회사전체 매출PV의 5%를 다이아몬드마스터 이상 균등분배
샤론로즈마스터 다이아몬드마스터 이상을 2라인 각각 2명 이상씩 육성한 총판 회사전체 매출PV의 2%를 샤론로즈마스터 이상 균등분배
스타마스터 샤론로즈마스터 이상을 2라인 각각 2명 이상씩 육성한 총판 회사전체 매출PV의 1.2%를 스타마스터 이상 균등분배
로열마스터 스타마스터 이상을 2라인 각각 2명 이상씩 육성한 총판 회사전체 매출PV의 1%를 로열마스터 이상 균등분배
크라운마스터 로열마스터 이상을 2라인 각각 2명 이상씩 육성한 총판 회사전체 매출PV의 0.5%를 크라운마스터 이상 균등분배
임페리얼마스터 크라운마스터 이상을 2라인 각각 2명 이상씩 육성한 총판 회사전체 매출PV의 0.3%를 임페리얼마스터에게 균등분배

직급수당은 매월 15일, 말일 마감 후 7일째 지급


직급 승급기준 승급조건
판매사, 다이아몬드마스터
승급기한 제한없음 1. 직급연속유지 조건 무
2. 기한무제한(회원자격 유지시)
3. 다이아몬드마스터부터 동시 2단계 승급 불가능
스타마스터, 로열마스터
크라운마스터, 임페리얼마스터
본인의 전직급을 3회이상 유지한후
4회째 이후부터 승급가능


직급 승급기준
판매사 애터미 6종 1set, 헤모힘 1set, 이브닝케어 1set
다이아몬드마스터 태블릿PC 1대 지급, 애터미 6종1set, 헤모힘 1set, 이브닝케어 1set
샤론로즈마스터 현금 200만원, 동남아 3박4일 직계가족 여행권(2매)
스타마스터 현금 1,000만원, 동남아 3박4일 직계가족 여행권(4매)
로열마스터 현금 5,000만원, 법인카드 월 200만원 사용권한 부여, 그랜져 270급 대여비 제공, 유럽 10박11일 직계가족 여행권(4매)
크라운마스터 현금 3억원, 법인카드 월 500만원 사용권한 부여, 신형 에쿠스380 지급, 유럽 10박11일 직계가족 여행권(4매)
임페리얼마스터 현금 10억원, 법인카드 월 1,000만원 사용권한 부여, 에쿠스리무진 지급, 50평 오피스텔 제공,
개인비서, 운전기사, 유럽 10박11일 직계가족 여행권(4매)
프로모션 금액의 산정기준
1. 상품은 구매원가로 한다.
2. 동남아 여행 80만원/1인당, 유럽여행 400만원/1인당
3. 그랜저 대여비용 월 100만원
4. 신형에쿠스 VS380럭셔리 6,370만원, 에쿠스리무진(구형기준) 7,791만원
5. 50평 오피스텔 월세 250만원
6. 비서월급 150만원, 기사월급 200만원
7. 태블릿PC 65만원


총 판매수당의 지급범위


  • Atomy members are classified into 5 different types of dealership, according to the total purchased volume
    and commission level received from the company.

Class Sequence and Conditions

Accumulate 10,000PV ~ 300,000PV
Accumulate more than 300,000 PV
Accumulate more than 700,000 PV
Accumulate more than 1,500,000 PV<
Accumulate more than 2,400,000 PV

General Commission: 44% of entire sales PV will be distributed between qualified members every week according to the rates. Individuals must first accumulate at least 10,000 PV in order to accumulate downline PVs.

Grade 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Dealership Sales Rep Agent Special Agent Dealer E.D E.D E.D E.D
Daily Performance (smaller group) ACC > 300,000 PV ACC > 300,000 PV > 700,000 PV > 1,500,000 PV > 2,400,000 PV > 6,000,000 PV > 20,000,000 PV > 50,000,000 PV
Score 5 15 30 60 90 150 250 300

Multi Matching Bonus

Purchases Distribution Range Criteria per Grade Distribution Criteria Distribution Details
> 300,000 PV 3 sub-lines 1. Sales Rep : 10 sub-lines
2. Sales Master: 10 sub-lines
3. Diamond Master : 5 sub-lines
4. Beyond Sharon-Rose Master: None
1. Cumulative Points
2. More than 300,000 PV on smaller group
3. No Roll-Up
4. Cumulative starts over again at the end of the month
1. 2% of General Commission
2. Bonus do not exceed 500,000KW by amount
3. Payment (same date as general commission)
> 700,000 PV 5 sub-lines
> 1,500,000 PV 7 sub-lines
> 2,400,000 PV 10 sub-lines

Masters' Bonus: 20% of entire sales PV will be distributed according to mastership.

Mastership Prerequisite Rate of Masters' Bonus
Sales Master Special Agent with more than 2.5 million Group PV under each leg 10% of total PV distributed equally to Sales Masters
Diamond Master Dealer with minimum 2 Sales Masters under each leg 5% of total PV distributed equally to Diamond Masters and higher Masterships
Sharon-Rose Master E.D. with minimum 2 Diamond Masters under each leg 2% of total PV distributed equally to Sharon-Rose Masters and higher Masterships
Star Master E.D. with minimum 2 Sharon-Rose Masters under each leg 1.2% of total PV distributed equally to Star Masters and higher Masterships
Royal Master E.D. with minimum 2 Star Masters under each leg 1% of total PV distributed equally to Royal Masters and higher Masterships
Crown Master E.D. with minimum 2 Royal Masters under each leg 0.5% of total PV distributed equally to Crown Masters and higher Masterships
Imperial Master E.D. with minimum 2 Crown Masters under each leg 0.3% of total PV distributed equally to Imperial Masters

Masters’ Bonus will be paid every 15th, and on the 7th day after the monthly closure.

Point accumulation period: 1st - 15th, 16th - end of month.

Terms of Promotion

Mastership Prerequisite Terms
Sales Master, Diamond Master
Sharon-Rose Master
No restrictions on promotion 1. No conditions for continuous position maintenance
2. Unlimited Timeline (only with valid membership status)
3. Simultaneous promotion of 2 levels is not permitted beyond Diamond Master level.
Star Master, Royal Master,
Crown Master, Imperial Master
The member can be promoted from the 4th turn after he/she has maintained the same position 3 times.

Mastership Promotion & Incentives

Mastership Incentives
Sales Master Atomy Skin Care 6 System (1 Set), HemoHIM (1 Set), Atomy Evening Care (1 Set)
Diamond Master Laptop Computer, Atomy Skin Care 6 System (1 Set), HemoHIM (1 Set), Atomy Evening Care (1 Set)
Sharon-Rose Master *$2,000 Cash, 2 Travel Tickets
Star Master *$10,000 Cash, 4 Travel Tickets
Royal Master *$50,000 Cash, *$2,000 Credit per month, car rental fee, 4 Travel Tickets to Europe (10 nights & 11 days)
Crown Master *$300,000 Cash, *$5,000 Credit per month, a New Car, 4 Travel Tickets to Europe (10 nights & 11 days)
Imperial Master *$1 Million Cash, $10,000 Credit per month, a luxury Car, an Office of approx. 1700 sq.with a Personal Assistant, a Driver, 4 travel tickets to Europe (10 nights and 11 days)
Membership Promotion & Incentives
1. Products are based on purchase price
2. Travel Tickets: *$1,000 eq./person, and Europe Tickets: *$4,000 eq./person
3. Car rental fee: *$1,000 eq./month
4. Studio Apartment Rental: *$2,500 eq./month
5. Assistant Salary: *$1,500 eq./month, Driver Salary: *$2,000 eq./month
6. Laptop Computer: *$650
* Dollar amounts are estimates and may be subject to change based on currency exchange rate.

Education Commission (Center Commission)